22 January 2008

The last few days have been amazingly intense. Sunday I spent the entire day working on my two essays. I stayed up until about 6 AM working, then slept for a few hours and got back to work. The essays weren't particularly terrible, though I really ought to have given myself more time. I've been going to lectures pretty much every day.

Monday, I had my John Donne tutorial. I worked all through the morning, and when I was getting ready to leave the house, the afternoon was absolutely beautiful. The blue sky was dappled with deep gray, fast-moving clouds, without much sign of rain. I cut through Radcliffe Square, right between the Camera and St. Mary the Virgin, which was a very beautiful moment in my afternoon. Though my essay-writing skills need some work, the tutorial went very well. As I was leaving Greyfriars', I noticed that it was drizzling. This was potentially problematic, as I had worn tennis shoes and a sweater, no coat. Greyfriars' is as far away from the city center as any of the colleges and halls get, and I had a 20 minute walk to the Covered Market to make. No bother, really. My hair was just wet when I got there. I ran into Skye, who lives a few floors above me, as she was buying cookies ('biscuits', they call them here) from Ben's Cookies, which is the BEST cookie place in Oxford. I was going to meet up with Holly to shop for dinner that night, but I had to beg off because I had a lecture to go to. As I was leaving the Covered Market, the storm came. I walked down Brasenose Lane and encountered a deluge. As I walked through the Radcliffe Square again, a flash of lightning came, followed almost immediately by a peal of thunder - a totally opposite experience from my walk through the square only a few hours earlier.

I made it over to Harris Manchester college for the Christian Spirituality lecture, which was given this week by Met. KALLISTOS Ware. It was pretty awesome. I asked a question. I was excited.

We had dinner later that evening, which Holly and I prepared dinner for our group. There are pictures of it in the most recent picture post.

Tuesday I had another tutorial, which was good, though it was a a little more awkward than the first one. The different tutors just have different styles, I suppose. He kept asking me questions, but in a very round about sort of way, which was a bit irritating.

Tomorrow, I have lectures to go to and some research/reading to do, and I am meeting up with some girls from my house and from the Vines, and we are going out to The Royal Oak (called the 'Roak' by locals, so I hear) for dinner/dessert/fun. There will probably be pictures from that. I'll be sure to post them.

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