15 February 2008

My tutorial is in about 3 hours, and I have no essay.

That's right. I did my reading. I tried to think of something. I tried all week. The last few days have been really crummy. Sometimes I get these moods, I feel like they attack me and don't let me go. It becomes very difficult to work or interact with people. I feel like I am about to jump out of my skin, or I want to go back to bed and get a different day upon waking up. Last night I took it easy. I watched Amelie and went to bed early, intending to use the hours of the morning to write my essay. It wasn't going to be fantastic, but it would be done. I got to the library about an hour and a half ago, and I barely have a page, and it's all just fluff anyways.

I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I can't conceive of actually writing an essay. It would be so incredibly horrible, but at least show it would show that I made an effort if I were able to write something. I could e-mail Dr. Lawes and cancel. Or I could just not show up. I could go out for a walk, or go back to the office at Frewin Court and sulk, or go talk to somebody at the office.

I can't think at all right now.

UPDATE: After writing that, I decided to go over to the offices at Frewin Court, and went down to the basement room, where I found Jules and Allison and immediately burst into tears. They were so encouraging, reminding me that my tutor will be very understanding, that it's not the end of the world, and that everybody apparently freaks out during Fifth Week.

So now I am just going to refresh my reading so that I can talk about it in tutorial. I am sure that there is an answer to that question somewhere...I just need to talk it out. Next week, I'll probably have to write a huge essay. :/

1 comment:

jenny baker said...

oh erin you poor thing, i wish i could give you a hug! maybe this weekend you should go see some beautiful english sights and be refreshed in time for your next essay.

and drink some cocoa, that always helps. ;)