08 June 2008

One of my favourite books in Oxford, which often took my mind off of the stress of schoolwork, was 'Dancing with Cats':

In this book, David Parsons and Burton Silver present a look into one aspect of the world of non-primate art. There is a spiritual, emotional, and artistic element to dancing with one's cat. For many cats, they can only express themselves through dance; when the music turns on, they just can't keep their paws from moving. Think of it as a tome in which fine art meets dance criticism meets spirituality meets love for animals meets tongue meets cheek. Or at least I hope tongue meets cheek somewhere in there. Here are some fine gems as a sample of the kind of art chronicled in this beautiful book:

As you can see, everyone gets something different out of dancing with cats, but everyone gets the satisfaction of expressing their emotions along with their feline companions.

I went to Borders today, and had a jolting, joyous memory of this book, and went to the animal section to try to find it. Alas, it was not in stock, but I did find its companion volume:

Of course, I purchased 'Why Cats Paint: A theory of feline aesthetics' in order to satisfy my curiosity as to the eponymous query. I have not yet cracked the spine, but rest assured that as soon as I finish it, you will find it summarily reviewed at this blog. I know that you are suspended in anticipation. Check back soon for an update.

And, while you await, you can check out the online Museum of Non Primate Art.


Mrs. Ham said...

Oh gosh

jenny baker said...

this is a little frightening... but amusing!

b said...

YES! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH YES!!!!

b said...

this is going on my list of why the world is awesome... right noW!

Renee Jorgensen said...

Goodness. Please do review it; I'm wondering what new spiritual revelations it may offer ;-)