26 July 2008

Brianna gave me some seriously good advice tonight. I should try to define some goals, long term and short term, and find productive things to do with my time. When I am in school this is easy. When I am out of school it is much more difficult.

I am embarrassed about not having any real career or life goals. Like, by now at least most people are like, 'Oh, I want to do something in such and such a field', or 'I've been thinking about doing thus and so.' I have nothing of that sort. I have few motivations, no serious long-term goals for my life.

Gosh what a loser. I just wish it were obvious what I should be doing. But honestly, there is nothing that I really WANT to do.

What a loser.


jenny baker said...

i'm glad i actually saw you at church yesterday! i always see you in the choir and then you disappear somewhere. you're so mysterious!

i hope school starts for you soon and you get a new refreshing schedule. :)

b said...

basically yeah, it's good to have a life outside of school so that when you graduate you're not like one of the many people who have no idea what's up.

b said...

eww read this crappy fortune i just got:

"you are a bundle of energy, always on the go"

great - i am perpetually a 90's woman... please! i thought fortune cookies where for something positive, uplifting or fanciful - like a secret love is around the corner or you will win the lottery and have 10 kids next month.
