20 October 2008

Bits & Pieces

I've decide to write this semester's honors paper about John Donne. I am glad that Dr. Jenson went for it, because I've already done a good deal of research and writing about John Donne. I told him that I would rather do George Orwell, but Orwell isn't in the Torrey Curriculum. Really, he ought to be.

In any case, I've also decided that I am giving up Facebook for a while, probably just these next three days. I think it will be good for my soul.

I have discovered the beautiful music of Ingrid Michaelson, as well as the very amazing new iTunes software with the Genius feature. It makes a playlist for you. Kind of like Pandora, but with your music. It's pretty cool.

And, um, I've not got a lot else going on. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I will be going to Torrey Bible Conference at Biola. I don't have much of a choice. This year's theme is "Sex and the Soul." I don't really understand why Biola as an institution must incessantly address the issue of sex. Perhaps, of course, because it is a prevalent issue in a our culture and an area of life in which the student body regularly struggles and fails. I just don't see how talking about it all the time, even as Christians, is helpful. So I have to spend the next two and a half days listening to talks about sex. Granted, the speakers are intelligent and well-qualified. But there have to be better things to talk about, considering that sex was the topic of the Torrey Bible Conference my sophomore year...

I'm going to try to crochet a baby blanket for my soon-to-be-born goddaughter. Hopefully it doesn't suck. I've also been thinking about christening gowns, which I think are the most beautiful things ever. They can be very expensive; I was thinking of having one made or something. I mean, I could just go with a white outfit or dress or something, but christening gowns are so beautiful. I'll post pictures of those soon.

To sleep, to sleep...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something your dad would do.