28 October 2008


How exciting!

Last time I thought the big one-double-oh was upon me, I realized I had a ton of unpublished drafts. Which I purged. So this is REALLY number one hundred. I had intended on doing something big and exciting. But really I just want to talk about my new latest blog obsession.

No, obsession is too strong of a word.

Fashion and design blogs. I'm trying to educate my aesthetic sensibility.

Recently, on Design*Sponge, they featured this great house. I love the books in the kitchen.

I also really love this card-catalog thing. I can just imagine perfectly sorting all of your kitchen utensils in it! Or sorting paper. Or office supplies. Yeah, office supplies...

Then they posted this entry, about artist Darra Crosby, who has these great chalkboard pieces.

Another fave is Oh Happy Day, which is just a nice collection of pretty things. This one is usually just a compilation of things that Jordan likes, but it's a little bit of everything - interior design, clothing, furniture, party planning, and knick-knacks. There were a couple of posts there about bookbinding.

This last one is definitely my favorite. She took a bookbinding class. These aren't hers, but I think it would be pretty amazing to learn how to do that!

And there are others that I frequent (Google Reader!!):
Painfully Hip
party perfect

So that's a bit of design-blog fun.


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