13 November 2008

I am being mentally eviscerated by my paper on John Donne, meditative poetry, and human dissection. Yes, they all tie together. I'm just not quite sure how yet. It's still all forming in my mind, though I have sources and notes and small ideas to fill an entire notebook...I actually have a notebook... containing all those things.

Tying it all together is so hard.

I turned in a poem in poetry class today that I was kind of proud of, until I looked at the poems everyone else wrote. I am going to work really hard on the next poem, and it'll be awesome!

I desperately need to rest, but there is not enough time to do everything. By rest I don't mean "make sure to get at least 6 hours of sleep each night." I mean spend half a week sleeping. I mean it. And spend the rest of the time watching good movies and reading children's books, and the like.

I complain too much. But things get overwhelming.

End of Erin's silly rant.

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