19 June 2008

Blargh. Today was a total bust, all around. I didn't do anything but mope around in my pajamas. Mope mope mope. I tried to think of something to do, but I couldn't. I took my brother out for a while, bought boring stuff, got some ice cream, and came home and kind of just laid down on my bed. Oh, I cleaned my room. Cleaning is like my new hobby. I cleaned the inside of my car the other day, which I am supremely proud of.

Bum bum bum. Sometimes I wish I could just live someone else's life.


b said...

tomorrow is fun day!

jenny baker said...


erin* said...

Thanks guys. I am probably just being dramatic, but I appreciate the love.


Mrs. Ham said...

Yeah I bet you would love to be any of the following people:

David Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff

or even

David Hasselhoff

Next time you are having a stinky day...just Hoff it.

You'll feel so much better!