13 July 2008

Mexico cruise yadda yadda yadda. If you care, ask me. I never understood why people try to live vicariously through other peoples' vacations. Cabo is overrated anyways.

My musical crush on Andrew Bird has pretty much turned into a torrid affair. I can't get enough.

The phrase 'torrid affair' is overused. George Orwell is up in literary heaven, shaking his head at me. What would George Orwell think? This is the question that undergirds all of my writing. What would George Orwell think?

George Orwell would love Calvino's If on a winter's night a traveler. It was pretty amazing. I just started Brideshead Revisited, which is of a decidedly different tone than a traveler. I am glad that there won't be too much of that postmodern deconstruction ish.

Although, I have to say, Calvino's notion of Apocrypha is pretty amazing [what would Orwell think?]. What is real? What is false? Does it matter? Falsity distinguishes truth? The nagging questions of a generation.

What I want to know is what comes after postmodernism. postpostmodernism?

I think I am a postpostmodernist. Just for the sake of being one, I suppose.


b said...

ummm i just keep hearing that in 2012 it is going to be the age of aquarius and apparently we are going to be post-progressive :-$

Andrew said...

'Brideshead Revisited'

Love it!