05 April 2008

Meme from Lauren

I really couldn't help myself... :)

What was I doing 10 years ago?

Let's see...April 1998? I was 10 and a half. I was finishing elementary school (holy cow, I was so young!) and that was not necessarily the happiest time of my short life...I remember that year I hit Brandon Brinegar over the head with a water bottle, and I threw 7 Up on some girl whose name I don't even remember. I had some behavioural problems then. Wow, what a stroll down memory lane...

Snacks I enjoy:


Peanut Butter M&Ms


anything with Cheeeeeeeeese.

Peanut Butter M&Ms (again)

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
Build an environmentally friendly house, pay off my college education, pay off my parents' college education, and probably (hopefully) do something good for other people. And get a few nice things for myself, too.

Five places I have visited:



Florence, Italy!

Nashville, TN!

Washington, DC!

Five jobs I have had:

Farmer Boys

Church Secretary

Flower delivery girl


Being freaking awesome.


Mrs. Ham said...

Hey how much do they pay you anyway for being freaking awesome?

Papa Bear said...

It was a bit hard to do taxes for a person who is fresking awesome. I made it work but if they ask, Fabio is your dependentm and Disneyland was a business meeting.

erin* said...

How much do they pay me?

I can't be bothered to look at my finances. Ask my dad. :)

Dionysios said...

My name is Zakk Price, and I approve of snacking on Twiglets.

Lauren S. said...

Nice list of travels ya got there. Freaking awesome. :)